Soleado Elementary

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Soleado has been a participant in a RTI (Response to Intervention) reading program K-5 this school year.  In fact, our results have been the highest district wide.  All staff members are involved in the process and we will continue next year with the same program in place.  The following information explains some of what the RTI program at Soleado supports, as well as, what it looks like for the students at Soleado.


What is Response to Intervention and how is it used in PVPUSD?


RtI is a way of allocating instructional resources in schools to maximize the academic success of all students. It is best understood as a 4-tiered model.


Tier 1

  • Evidence-based core reading instruction for all students.
  • Screening 3 times a year to identify students who may be at-risk for reading difficulties.

Tier 2

  • Evidence-based targeted intervention for small groups of students at-risk for reading difficulties (may occur within or outside the general education classroom).
  • Monitor student progress approximately once a month.

Tier 3

  • Evidence-based intensive intervention for small groups of students who have shown little or no progress at Tier 2 (typically occurs outside the general education classroom).
  • Monitor student progress approximately once a week.

Tier 4

  • Special education eligibility is considered for students making little or no progress at Tier 3.


Who Does RTI Benefit?

  • Students: Ensures that all students are “on-track” by screening them three times a year on core reading skills. Provides at-risk students with targeted intervention without placing them in special education. Can be used to help determine special education eligibility by using student progress data.
  • Teachers: Provides teachers with class-wide data of student performance levels (e.g.: well below average, below average, average, above average, well above average). Can help teachers in differentiating reading instruction.
  • Parents: Helps provide reassurance that their children will not “slip through the cracks.”
  • School district: Helps maximize resources to serve students more effectively.


Who is involved in RtI & what do they do?

  • Educators: Screen students, provide intervention, monitor student progress, and make data-based decisions.
  • Students: Receive appropriate level of reading support.
  • Parents: Encourage literacy activities at home.


What type of information is used to decide which students receive intervention?

  • Various sources of data (e.g.: screening scores, reading grades, teacher input, CAASPP English/language arts scores).


When does intervention take place?

  • Elementary schools: Can occur during reading instructional time OR during non-academic subjects.


What kind of instructional supports will students selected for intervention receive?

  • Research-based reading programs targeting specific reading skills at the students’ instructional level.


How do students exit intervention?

  • Student progress is reviewed at the end of each trimester to determine if intervention is still needed.


During the screening process, all students’ grades 1-5 read passages that calculated their Lexile reader measure.  A Lexile measure is a valuable piece of information about either an individual's reading ability or the difficulty of a text, like a book or magazine article.


A student gets his or her Lexile reader measure from a reading test or program. For example, if a student receives an 880L on her end-of-grade reading test, she is an 880 Lexile reader. Higher Lexile measures represent a higher level of reading ability. A Lexile reader measure can range from below 200L for emergent readers to above 1600L for advanced readers. Readers who score below 0L receive a BR for Beginning Reader


The idea behind The Lexile Framework for Reading is simple: if we know how well a student can read and how hard a specific book is to comprehend, we can predict how well that student will likely understand the book.


The link below can assist you and your child to select books at their specific Lexile measure.


Using your child’s Lexile measure, you can be assured that your child understands what they are reading, which supports the joy of reading in their lives.