Welcome to
3rd Grade
I would like to welcome you and your child to the third grade. Together, we can ensure that all students will have a successful and fulfilling third grade year. Feel free to contact me for an appointment or drop me a note if you have a concern.
Why do we assign homework?
We as a third grade team believe homework is important because it is a valuable tool in helping students make the most of their experiences at school. Homework helps to reinforce what is learned in class, prepares students for upcoming lessons, teaches responsibility, and helps students develop positive study habits. It also gives parents a chance to get involved with what is happening in the classroom.
When will homework be assigned?
Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday in math. Homework in other areas will be assigned Monday with various due dates through the week. Writing assignments will be broken down to rough drafts and final copies. In addition, each child is required to read for at least 20 minutes every night and that reading to be recorded on their reading log. There will also be long term assignments such as book reports, social studies reports, and/or science reports. All directions for those assignments will be explained in class. We encourage students to have a public library card and use it regularly.
We are fortunate to have access to several online subscriptions; IXL, Reflex, and IReady. IXL math will be assigned and minutes must be completed by Friday for credit. If your child “masters” a standard, they will continue working on the next standard in that area. Reflex will be assigned to students still working on fact fluency in addition to IXL. Brain Pop and Kids Discover will have homework assignments on occasion. We will also be using Edmodo for various collaborative projects. We also encourage you to have your child work with some sort of typing program at home. You have access to Type2Learn at home. You just need to download it if you have not done so already.
What are your child’s homework responsibilities?
The students are responsible for writing down every assignment in their Agenda Book. They are also responsible for turning in homework assignments. We expect student best work on each assignment. Homework should be neat, both in handwriting and condition of the paper. Homework is to be completely finished by class time the day it is due.
What are the parent’s responsibilities?
Parents are key to making homework a positive experience for their children. Therefore, we ask that you make homework a priority at home. We also ask that you provide necessary supplies and a quiet homework environment. Provide praise and support for your child. Since it is your child’s job to do the homework, we do not expect it to be perfect. We only want your child to try his or her best. It is not your responsibility to explain the homework. It is important that you encourage them to advocate for themselves.
Incomplete or Missing Homework
If students fail to turn in their homework they will fill out fine slip. This slip helps remind the students that they have a missing assignment and must turn it in the next day. Consistent missing homework will require a parent conference and discussion of possible strategies to help organize the student to make them feel successful.
If a student does not understand an assignment or is spending too much time on homework each night
If there is something on the homework that the student does not understand, please include a short note on the assignment along with a parent signature, and turn the assignment in. This will inform us that there was confusion and that the student made an effort to figure it out. It will be explained in class so that it can be completed the next night. Also, if you find that your child is spending more than an hour a night on homework (excluding the independent reading), feel free to draw a line on the assignment indicating where your child stopped and initial it. We do not want any student to feel overwhelmed with homework. If you child is continuously having difficulty completing the homework, we can have a conference to discuss how to modify the assignments.
If a student is absent
If a student is absent, or leaves early, they will be responsible for getting the missing assignments and completing them. They will be given an extra day to turn it in for full credit.
Bring Back Folder
Every day students will take all their graded work out and put it in their Bring Back Folder. On Friday the folder will contain their Weekly Update . Please look at the Weekly Update and return it along with the folder, minus the contents, on Monday. If a student does not turn the folder and Weekly Update on Monday they will receive a fine slip.
Again, if you should have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.
We look forward to a wonderful year with this great class!
Mrs. Bogart