Dance Performance

Dear Parents, 
On Wednesday, November 15, you are invited to come to Soleado and watch your child perform  dances they have been learning over the past few weeks. 
The performance will start at 10:00 am.  Currently we will be performing on the black top and welcome you to sit on the Rainbow Benches. 
We are blessed to have Ms. Miller teaching the first graders   a variety of rich dance traditions from around the world. They have  explored basic movement
(axial and locomotor), rhythm, the Elements of Dance as well as listening  to music  enjoying dance through movements with their bodies. 
The first grade teachers are asking students to wear a white top and black bottoms ( pants or skirts).  For Chicos 1, if your child has a bandana, please bring that as well. 
Thank you! 
See you on Wednesday.
Lisa Turner