Vista 2 Classroom Schedule
8:30-9:00 Morning Meeting/ELA
9:00-10:30 ELA
10:30-10:50 RECESS/Snack
10:50-12:00 Math (Mon., Wed., and Fri.) Before recess on Tue/Thu
12:00-12:45 LUNCH
12:45-1:30 ELA Writing Workshop or Science
1:30-2:55 Science/Social Studies
2:55-3:00 Home Prep/Dismissal
Music: Wednesday 8:45-9:30
P.E.: Tuesday and Thursday 11:10-12:00
Library: Wednesday 9:30-10:00
Garden: Wednesdays 10:55-11:25 on the following dates: Oct. 2, Nov. 13, Jan. 29, Mar. 12, Apr. 30
AAYF: Fridays 12:45-2:30 on the following dates: Nov. 1, Dec. 13, Feb. 21, Mar. 14, Apr. 25
Visual and Performing Arts: Wednesdays 1:30 -2:15 on the following dates:
***Please note that this is a general schedule and that the times for certain subjects may change depending on specialist schedules, integration opportunities, and other factors.